


什么是视网膜母细胞瘤RB)? 视网膜母细胞瘤是一种始于眼睛视网膜的癌症。 它可以进入眼睛和大脑。 视网膜母细胞瘤是儿童眼癌的最常见形式,在成年人中很少发生。

怎么才能知道 ? 

因为视网膜母细胞瘤最常见于小孩,他们不能说什么时候视力不好,因此很难知道什么时候出了毛病。 但是最常见的症状是“发光”。在闪光灯开启的情况下拍照时,您会发现孩子的眼睛出现白色/黄色发光,而不是通常的红色发光。 其他症状可能包括看起来朝着不同方向的斜视,视力差,眼睛发红,眼睛肿胀以及看起来颜色改变的眼睛。  (帖子中有大多数这些症状的图片。)


如果早期发现,化疗可以杀死视网膜母细胞瘤。 它可以通过端口给药(介入),注射到肿瘤附近或直接注射到眼睛中。 其他治疗方法可能包括放射治疗和激光治疗及冷冻。 如果癌症已经开始有进展,则摘除眼球手术可能是唯一的选择(请参阅最后一张图片)。

iflovecouldcurecancer It ' s Retinoblastoma  Awareness Week !
WHAT IS RETINOBLASTOMA ? Retinoblastoma is a  cancer that begins in the retina of the eye . It can  travel into either eye and the brain . Retinoblastoma is  the most common form of childhood eye cancer , and  it rarely occurs in adults .
HOW DO I KNOW ? Because retinoblastoma most  commonly occurs in small children , they can ' t say  when something is wrong with their vision , so it ' s  hard to know when something is wrong . But the most  common symptom is " the glow . " When taking a  picture with the flash on , you will notice a white /  yellow glow in your child ' s eye instead of the usual  red glow . Other symptoms may include eyes that  appear to be lookin in different directions , poor  vision , eye redness , eye swelling , and eyes that seem  to have changed color . ( There are pictures of most of  these symptoms in the post . )
HOW CAN I TREAT IT ? If caught early , chemotherapy  can be a treatment that kills retinoblastoma . It can be  administered through a port , injected near the tumor ,  or injected right into the eye . Other treatments may  include radiation and laser therapy . If the cancer has  progressed , eye removal surgery may be the only  option ( see last picture ) .

Most importantly , if you think something is wrong , go  to the doctor , especially if you notice " the glow .  Although it can be an indicator of other eye issues as  well , it is never a good sign .